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Who's Excited for the TV Show?

I've literally been counting down the days. Truthfully I didn't hate the 2010 movie (I did dislike the sequel though) but I'm really excited for how book-accurate they're making the tv show out to be (plot-wise). It's so exciting!!!

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Reply by beware of golden retriver


yes and how dare you like the movies

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Reply by mason


ive been following all the tv show news ever since it was confirmed im so STOKED i think the cast is so perfect!!! and all the people involved seem like they care so much im very optimistic about it

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Reply by Michael Cory



I really like what episodes I've seen so far, I saw someone call it "Rick Riordan's second draft" and this helps me when I get annoyed at the inconsistencies from the books. It really is quite good. The parallel drawn between Annabeth and Medusa is interesting, and I also found that Percy judging Annabeth for her mother rather than Annabeth judging Percy for his father is an interesting switch. All in all I'm hooked.

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