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true crime

Posted by nightwolf


Forum: General

What is the true crime case that has impacted you the most or what is your favorite serial killer case or the one you have studied the most?

pd. sorry for the long question and for the bad english :)

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Reply by FiNALBOY


Tbh I wouldn't call them my "favorites", but the Columbine and Sandy Hook case are interesting to dive into. Also the Boston bombing and the Academy Maniacs

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Reply by Annie Ann


"Favorite" would not be the correct word, but I am in between the Casey Anthony case and the Watts family case are among the two that come to mind. A big reason for that is that I was very present in the development of the case. For Casey Anthony I was among the first to see the first news broadcasts and the lies of Casey Anthony implode on her, and for the trials where she was acquitted. Same for Chris Watts after he murdered his pregnant wife and 2 baby daughters. I vividly remember seeing his "Appeal" for their return when they were reported missing, I remember seeing his face and realizing that something terrible had happened. Both these cases are so sad to me because they involve such innocent victims. Daughters. Daughter who were failed by the parents meant to protect them. Also Shanann Watts who was expecting a baby boy and had the life snuffed out from her by the man who swore to protect her. I could go on for so long about these two awful cases, but I've already rambled enough. 

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