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Bukowski Wednesdays

Posted by xXYwF DrumsXx


Forum: Writing and Poetry

Just wanted to start a thread dedicated to the GOAT. 

Every Wednesday/Thursday for nightwalkers!....I will post an impromptu short poem while sipping a different drink of choice. 

Y’all should join me!

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Reply by xXYwF DrumsXx


Wednesday 1/20/21

The television plays in the background as the bottle clinks the glass. 

Puppets on screen speaking; in one ear, out of the bottle. 

The room is dark and lonely but I am warm and at peace. 

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Reply by M L


Reply by xXYwF DrumsXx


Reply by Cesar


Reply by xXYwF DrumsXx


Heavy Bones

There’s a weight inside me hollow and whole. Something I can’t seem to control.

Can’t grasp. Can’t see. Can’t be real.

Scratching at the meat on my bones to feel again. Beneath the surface you can’t sense the rain.

Can’t touch. Can’t see. Can’t be real.

But the sun will set and the clouds will clutter. And beneath the skin you feel a flutter.

Something waits. Something yearns. Something is growing impatient.

This poison lay waste to the man you once were. Not a safety net in sight, no sign of a cure.

Sinking in my skin, I find myself reveling in my own waste. Things I can’t remember. Things without a face.

Reaching up through the dirt, raising a bag of heavy bones. The weight alone heavier than stones.

But I’ll keep scratching. I’ll keep carrying the weight.

To feel the rain again.

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