« SpaceHey Forum

Anyone else see these people on here?

Posted by Stardust Sleep


Forum: SpaceHey

Imagine this, you see you have a friend request on Spacehey

You go to see their profile, wanting to make sure they aren't a bot, turns out their profile is private
but seen as their profile picture is a cute pic of Frank Iero from My Chemical Romance, you think, "screw it, what could possibly go wrong" so you accept their friend request, see their profile, and it's nothing but a flashing background with red text telling you to die and that people like you should burn

then next thing you know your motivation is ruined and you can't do shit besides mope and wish you were dead

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2 Replies

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Reply by Hobby


No I actually haven't seen these people and I'm really glad I didnt't thus far. But that sounds really tough. I'd be bummed out too if that happened to me. I hope you feel better !

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Reply by NosyCat


Yikes. Sorry to hear that. Gives me another reason to avoid people with private profiles.

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