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Trying to swap out an image on profile for Youtube embed?

Posted by S0d4p0p


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech


Right now I'm using this layout on my profile, and in this layout there's a picture in-between "Contacting [User]" section and the "[User]'s interests" section.

I wanna replace the image in the layout with an embed of a Youtube playlist I made, but so far my attempts haven't worked, and I have no idea how to get it to work.

My attempts have either accidentally removed the layout's code for the "[User]'s interests" section (replaced the entire chunk of code I figured out was the box with the image with the youtube embed), or I've managed to... Make a big blank square on my profile (swapped out image url for youtube embed), which you can see in this image

I'm not really sure what exactly is going wrong here (not super used to coding), but I can tell I'm not doing something right, so I was wondering if anyone knew what it might be??

Thank you sm in advance! <3

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Reply by arlo atomickk


im not sure this is possible because imbeds require iframes and they can't be used on the backgrounds of elements. since the image is just the background of the contact section, i dont think its possible. but i could be wrong!!

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