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How I can be helpful!

Hey friends!

I can help with most all levels of math, from beginning algebra to differential equations and multivariable calculus. I'm relatively familiar with mechanical physics; kinematics, dynamics, momentum, etc. And I tend to be surprisingly good and helpful with English papers.

Feel free to reach out whenever, I'm happy to help!

- Your local nerd :)

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Reply by Filipe


Hii, I'm Studying Calculus in university however I'm not really good with math so I'm having trouble understanding, more specifically I need help with derivative and integral, if you could explain it to me and help me understand it I would be very grateful.

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Reply by StarGayzer


Hello friend! 

I’d be happy to try and explain, is there any way you could be even more specific with what you’re having trouble understanding? 

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Reply by Filipe


Sure, for example in my exam there were two derivate exercises and I did them following the formulas that were given to me but I still got it wrong the teacher didnt explain what I got wrong and unfortunately I dont have the exam with me, I really dont know what went wrong since i followed the formulas so the way I figure is that I either I didnt understood how to use the formula correctly or I did a small atention mistake and didnt realize it after when the teacher was showing me my exam and the result, and with regards to integrals I realy have no idea how they work.

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Reply by StarGayzer


Ah I see. Do you happen to remember the names of these formulas or the techniques of differentiation that you used? And often times in calculus there is lots of painstaking algebra to go through and lots of places to make little mistakes, and sometimes the most difficult step is the algebra. If you know the names of the two operations that you’re using it would be a big help (power rule, product rule, quotient rule, chain rule, etc.) yknow just to give me an idea of what you’re working with. 

Integration is honestly, from my experience, much more difficult that differentiation. A tricky thing to understand is that every function has a derivative that we can evaluate, but not every function has an integral that we ourselves can fine (you’ll either need a computer program or higher level techniques). And often times it is much more difficult finding integrals even if it is possible. Another thing I’ve found to be really helpful with integration is knowing the theory and background behind it (i.e. Riemann Sums) and being able to picture it graphically. 

Are you in Calculus 1? If so then I’m guessing your class isn’t using a ton of theory in your anti-derivatives (indefinite integrals), just the last section is a quick intro to it. Which is perfectly okay and should mean that there’s only a couple of formulas to learn before calc 2. 

Something very vital in the understanding of calculus is that a derivative is the average rate of change of a function as a point moves along a curve, average rate of change. And an integral is the area under that curve from to points, area. 

Lastly, you’re doing great! This is really tricky stuff and I hope I can help! 

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Reply by Filipe


Hii, sorry for the delay.

I'm going to write all the formulas that we learned in derivation:

(k)' = 0

(x^n)' = n * x^n-1

(ku)' = k * u'

(u+v)' = k * u'

(u*v)' = u'v + uv'

(u/v) = u'v - uv'/v^2

dy/dx = dy/du * dy/dx

(u^n)' = n * n^n-1 * u'

log b u = u'/u*ln b

(ln u)' = u'/u

(sin n)' = cos u * u'

(cos) = - sin * u'

Yes one thing that really upsets me about learning math and I dont know if in the US is also like that or its just my country but they never teach the theory or logic behind it and for me at least it seems like with the theory maybe i would understand it better.

Yeah Im in calculus 1 and we have literaly zero theory.

Thank you! My teacher never bother to say that, It does begin to make more sense now that you said it.

Thank you!! I'm really grateful that you are taking your time and effort to help me! That means a lot to me.

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Reply by StarGayzer


Hi, sorry for the delay as well.

Thank you for the formulas, that helps a lot. Which two of them you were struggling with during the exam? I'd love to try and explain what went wrong better.

A math professor that I've heard great things about, who does videos online is Doctor Claire:
Here is her Calculus 1 videos.

I hope that they can offer some answers, but I am also happy to answer any questions you have too. I'd be happy to review a lot of theory behind calculus with you as well, I find it to be some really fascinating stuff.

I'm glad that things are starting to make more sense, please let me know how to help more going forward. If you'd like to keep talking more through discord just let me know, my responses will likely be quicker.

I'm very happy to help! You're welcome!!

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Reply by Filipe


Hi, It's alright.

Ok, I already saved her website and will use it to study.

I forgot which specific formulas amongst those that I used in the exam it's been a while since i did the exam and i dont have the exam with me nor a copy of it as my university doesnt allow it unfortunatelly.

Yeah we could reveiw theory together It would be really helpful.

Alright let's talk in discord then.


I tried sending you an instant message to send my discord account but it didnt work, please try sending me one 

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Reply by StarGayzer


Mkay, sounds good.

What is your discord username?

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Reply by Filipe


my discord username is .

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