« SpaceHey Forum


Posted by Bede


Forum: SpaceHey

I am rather new to Spacehey. I’ve had my account for a while, but I’ve only just started using it. I have a question. If someone asks you to say “using” if you use their layout, do you absolutely HAVE to? Is it mandatory? I ask this because I’ve been mostly ignoring this. I’d much rather prefer to stay in my own little corner of Spacehey than comment on layouts made by strangers etc, (also I’m autistic and my demand avoidance is very severe) so I just want to know if this is simply Spacehey etiquette or completely mandatory and I MUST do it unless specified otherwise.

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Reply by sgtmajspartanx


You do what you want to your profile it's not a mandatory 

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Reply by Tj


I think most layout users prefer you did it simply so they have an easier understanding of how many downloads they have? so i rlly dont think you need to like at all i think its more a preference thing from layout makers 

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