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things that I wish there could be revival remake etc [closed]

this is a list of things that I wish there could be revival or something

nk.pl (2006 polish facebook) (note: it was made to found old people from schools in Poland or something I never use it)

Gadu-GaduĀ  or gg in short (2000 polish version of msn messenger) (note: it was like msn messenger but in poland today this thing exist but it's full of pedos and weird people so I don't recommend you going to this)

ios 6 game center (I don't know if there's a jailbreak or something that allows to use ios 6 game center or is it normally functioning or completely dead)

let me know any other things that I completely missed because I don't know

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Reply by Meem


AMINO it couldveĀ  been so perfect for fandoms if they moderated it better!! It kept fandoms alive and organized

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Reply by Ginger1234


um I'm pretty sure that's not what I'm looking for?

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Ginger1234 closed this Forum Topic