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How do you get good at singing?

My voice is kinda garage and deep and I really wanna make music but it's hard with my voice. Does anyone have any sort of tips when it comes to singing? Just leave it here for me and anyone else I suppose.

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Reply by ppau :3


its hard to think of an easy answer..

I would recomend doing vocal warm-ups everyday and singing one song after doing the warm-ups. 

Maybe if you do it everyday you'll see the results! It's not an easy neither fast process, but it'll help you! 

and if you can, go to singing lessons! 

hope this helps !!<3

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Vocal warm ups every day even if it's just for 5 minutes running through the scales, there's lots of good ones on youtube! Drink lots of water and take good care of your voice, it's your instrument :)

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