I never listen to indie music but this ones a Hit . Tbh I prefer their 2000-2003 live performances over the studio album but thatss just me. So good man
I agree. hella fucking good as fuck. and the obstacle songs, like literally nobody fucking talk. THE BRIDGES!!! "its in the things that she puts my head, her stories are boring and stuff, she's always calling my bluff etc." and in the new when he's like "one day we live together and life will be better" or "I gave a lot to you, you gave a lot of to me too, you slave away from me" like you can hear sadness asf in his voice . and then ofc Leif Erickson, best song to ever exist ever!!!!!! "I picture you me together in the jungle it will be okay". I legit never heard that line until I watch the live version.