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Being Gay ISN'T a sin, and here's why:

I've seen many "christians" (really just right winged pharisees) say that being gay is a sin, which it is not. I will show you why.

Many Christians quote Leviticus 18:22, which doesn't really work. Here's the verse for clarity: Leviticus 18:22 (ESV): 22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.

This doesn't really work for one reason: it only talks about sex. The only thing said here is gay sex is a sin (which isn't due to lust, but instead due to God intending man and woman to marry, so it fits under fornication fyi), nothing about gay relationships like dating, crushes, or earthly marriage without sex. Being gay is not a sin. Say it with me here: BEING GAY IS NOT A SIN!

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Reply by Jaiden


Reply by Robin


It's actually listed a few different places in the Bible.  The KJV is the only 100% accurate English translation of the manuscripts we have. Youtube channel "Robert Breaker" or "Gene Kim" can go over the why's and how's.

Bottom line us that yes, it IS a sin but it's the same as alcoholism or pedophilia. Jesus died for ALL of our sins & if we truly decide to live for Him then we become saved & He changes us into the best versions of ourselves.  He knows how we are happiest, our innermost thoughts & loves us no matter what.  Diligently seek Him & He will make Himself known to you... that is what the Bible says.

Faith in the blood (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)

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