« SpaceHey Forum

sharing spacehey(?)

Posted by soapcatboy22


Forum: SpaceHey

maybe if we share spacehey in other social media we could attrack more users here. Not talking about maaanyy users like it's the top social media, just so me can attrack more people who are interested in this type of forums (that are mostly dead) and don't know spacehey yet. anyway, I want your opinions or ideas :D

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Reply by Tj


Yeah forums are like my fav things to look through but they are definetly pretty dead, the only thing about spreading it around social media is that majority of people r just gonna join and be on it for a month max and then leave again, i think there is definetly an issue with user retention w a website based social media that doesnt work well on mobile but anyway people who stay for a month is better than no one at allĀ 

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