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Best responses to getting called an emo by roadmen?

Posted by Ashe


Forum: EMO'S NOT DEAD Group

Preferably something that wont get me stabbed

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Reply by xX_N1ghtm4r3_P01s0n_Xx


Best advice? Ignore them. They are not worth your time and will attack you for pretty much anything. If you really feel threatened by them, get to a safe place as soon as possible. For example, if you're on the high street and encounter some and they make you feel unsafe, get into one of the shops, cafes or restaurants. The more eyes are on them, and with the knowledge that CCTV will record them, it lowers the chances of them pursuing any further. If they follow you inside, ask for help from someone inside. As soon as the coast is clear, you can continue whatever you were doing or choose to go home.

Seriously, don't waste your time with them. Be observant of your surroundings and use it to your advantage to ensure your safety as much as possible.

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