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Best persona game?

Posted by AttackRubix


Forum: Games

i've played 3 & 5 (well still playing 3 lolz). But, what's the best? I've heard 4 is bad apparently, and portable sucks (which idk cus i'm playing it now and it seems fine)

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Reply by ニーチェはクソだ


The people who complain about P3P is because they miss little their soo beloved cutscenes (wich they love to skip or not to pay attention), nothing more, nothing less. Ask a hardcore fan of Persona the difference between portable and FES and which one is better and they'll go crazy trying to decide which one has more advantages. Kinda funny.

4 is fine, I don't know where you heard it's bad. People love it! I seem to remember that it won awards and its general reviews were very positive at the time and nowadays as well.

Persona 3 is the best one for me so far. It should be noted that I never finished 4 or 5 because they were boring to me... I never tried the previous games either.

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Reply by lime


P3P is my favourite, I just really love the setting and the
soundtrack. I've played it a few times too and it was my introduction to
the franchise so it's really nostalgic for me. I also like having the
option to play as a girl and it's a shame they never did that in later

P4 is good too (I've only played golden tho, so I don't know about the original). I like murder mysteries so that was fun, but I thought the characters weren't as interesting as the other games I've played. You'd probably enjoy it if you liked 3 & 5 tho. I was really into P5R a few months ago, but I got bored of it near the end and I still haven't finished it. I think P5R has the most interesting characters and I really like their interactions, but the story was a bit weak imo.

I've also played most of P2 and it was pretty interesting, but the battles can be really annoying and there's no social link system so I ended up getting bored of it.

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Reply by benjamin joseph


persona 3 by far, its ending will leave you wondering what to do with life

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Reply by inferno ☆


people who hate 4 are either persona 3 elitists or persona 5 fans im gonna be totally honest ....

persona 4 golden is AWESOME the characters are funny and the dungeon style is closer to p3 than p5, but some people think it's a mix;; there are some weird jokes but honestly it's tamer than p5

people who hate p3p have either never played it or are too attached to their nostalgia lol

as for the question, its honestly up to what you enjoy the most !! persona 5 has best gameplay imo though, but if you like older style games you'll enjoy persona 4 + 3 more

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Reply by Lena


Original Persona 5 because it's the only one I've played XD I bought the game just before Royal released lol

But I did hear a lot of good stuff about Persona 4 and I know Persona 3 has people shooting their heads with a gun which is very interestin... to say the least.

Hopefully, I'll be able to play them in the future :)

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Reply by swaghaver


i think persona 3 is the strongest out of 3, 4, and 5, but p4g was my favorite out of those three. maybe the p3p hate comes from the more point and click visual novel style done on the map as opposed to p3fes's moving around? but tartarus feels the same on both, just that p3fes doesn't let you control your party so it's just preference and if you want to play the epilogue exclusive to that game really. if you're alright with an older rpg style and i suggest the persona 2 duology (p2 innocent sin + p2 eternal punishment), i found that game's story to be my favorite. the best way to play them is to emulate the psp version (eternal punishment you'd need to install an english patch) since they're not ported to modern platforms.

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Reply by kletzika


ive only played five, but from seeing gameplay and hearing others opinions id have to say 3 or 4

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