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Why do people like König?

I’m not saying this to hate or be negative !!

Something I noticed is that people really like König but for the games I’ve played, he has like so development .. ?

I’m wondering how the fandom fell so in love with the big Austrian man cause you only see him mentioned (I think) in the multiplayer 

Like I don’t see him in the story at all so what’s going on, how did we find him

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Reply by ︻デ═一 Jack


He's not in any campaign and just in multiplayer, has very very little development or backstory to my knowledge. Everyone just loves the big Austrian man for being the big Austrian man. We ball.

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Reply by noahpoah


I think it's just cause people are attracted to the mask ykyk..mask fetish or wtvr. and cuz hes tall. he sounds so dumb tho /pos

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Reply by kem


people like him because of his physical appearance, and "similar" aspects to ghost.

the little bit of backstory you get from his bio is also a reason why people like him; hard military man with social anxiety = hot

but it's literally just his appearance and voice that makes people simply for him :p

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Reply by Max!!


Desing, maybe? I'm not personally a big fan of him, but i kinda like the little bit of the cocky personality he shows through some voicelines. 

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Reply by minesweepooper


i think its mostly his design and personality. although we only got a few snippets of him, he still seems kinda interesting. he seems cocky but has also been confirmed to have social anxiety, which is probably what attracted most people.

and, of course, the mask. we all love a good mask design, its simple yet effective.

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