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arab horror stories (Boudrill) the water father .

heyy long time no see guys!

today i have a pretty cool story of "Boudrill" the arab verson of mermaid but unlike Greek myths we call them "waterman" or "water human"

btw boudrill name stand for water father .

so what dose "Boudrill" do anyway ?
he is a kind of devils (jinn) known to fisher mans and pearl hunter its was said that he sneak to the ship from 8 pm to 5 am before sunrise and steal someone to eat or kill (btw he can indeed eat other stuff but he eat humans anyway such a picky person ) also he always mess and play with stuff in the ship before he go to make it sink , so they started having night shifts with at least two people watching (fnaf) and if they hear "Boudrill" they scream (Bring the saws and the axes !!) and he runaway after hearing that for sure !

it was also said that he can form to a scary looking man and scream for help in the middle of the sea and if you help him he will steal food and mess with stuff to make the ship sink again ... hehe

about his look : he have no clear face and you cant really tell how he look like Because he always come in the middle of the dark they also say that he look very strong and big some also said that he is he can be half a fish half human and also that he can turn into a fish so its not clear how he exacly look like also dont ask me for photos the moment i hit photos in search i was FREAKED OUT ugh ok i will but some photos

idk who edit this but its kind of funny hehe

tf i dont know where is this from but they say he look close to this still funny lol


last one , i tried to find this photo clear but i couldnt however the article that was wrote about it was deleted

so hear this story wasnt used for little kids this time it was directed to teenager so that they dont hangout by the sea in dark nights ( no no beach party this time boys or you will be eaten and killed by some creepy sea monster . sure)

ohh yeah almost forget in one of the stories that was told he helped an old man then joked with him and went off and that grandpa was actually happy Because that thing hold him in his back and got him home in 4 am BROOO i would piss my self just imagine this thing holding you in his back in total darkness ??

soo this is the end i hope you liked the story ! and tell me what you think . see ya :)

i got really sick stories for next time ~~

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Reply by Pöykäri


cant wait for the next one!

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Reply by steven.<3


scary af (ó﹏ò。)

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