posted 1696908514
Forum: Games
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I only saw one person talk about Zelda on this forum.
Also what are your favorite Zelda games? :3
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posted 1696910605
im in the middle of playing a link between worlds on the 3ds. pretty neat game. this next part isn't going to make sense to people who don't have synesthesia but if it was a food it would taste like a peanut butter sandwich /pos
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posted 1696996257
Wind Waker has been my favorite game in the series since I was a kid and it still is today. Would even say it's high on my list of favorite games
posted 1698005487
Believe it or not, Zelda II is the game that got me interested in the franchise, so it holds a special place in my heart.
Then I went down the rabbit hole and played most of the rest of the games. My fave is probably a tie between A Link to the Past and Majora’s Mask :D