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Help :((

Currently I'm underage and have a long family history of addiction, alcohol poisoning, and all things bad. 

I see people party in movies, or hear my older friends talk about getting drunk and playing games, dancing and blasting music. And it all sounds so much fun, but I also know it's an easy fall into a bad habit. 

I just need advice pretty pleas3 thank chuuuu<33

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3 Replies

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Reply by Deaths_Smile


Stay strong and don't give into peer-pressure!

You can have plenty of fun without drinking alcohol. Alcohol isn't a necessity and drinking it isn't a milestone in life, it's entirely a choice. If you feel avoiding it is better for you in the long run, then I suggest sticking to staying sober!

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Reply by Jinnicide


Self regulation/control/moderation takes practice to get good at, you have to fail a lot to get there.

Otherwise: it's either total abstinence, or rock bottom then recovery. 

Those are pretty much your only 3 options.

Choose wisely.

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Reply by vcka


i have a huge family history of addiction too

when i went off to uni i swore i wouldn't drink at all
but i ended up drinking and i drank a lot in that first year
it was fun to let go but very detrimental
i never developed an addiction but i drank a LOT when i did
always do things within your own limits
its possible to get by having just one drink
its also possible to go parties and NOT drink!!
i'm hooked on a different substance now which i don't recommend lol
but its okay and you can get by if you wish to never drink alcohol
i only have a glass when it's my birthday or someone else's or christmas cos it tastes like shit and makes me depressed lol
there are lots of people that don't drink for so many reasons so you're never alone
when in a room of people and feeling out of place\ just own it
you know what you want and youre doing it
there's a lot of power behind that

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