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Spacehey vs. Original Myspace

Posted by Sweet Tee


Forum: SpaceHey

To all the O.G Myspace users, what are some of the biggest differences you notice between Spacehey and Myspace? 

These are things I've noticed:

1. No easy way to add music to your profile. Original Myspace had artist profiles and you could easily add songs to your profile. With Spacehey, it seems that YouTube or Spotify is our only option but it doesn't seem to work most of the time. 

I wish the creators of Spacehey would partner with Spotify so it would be easier to discover artists and add songs to your profile!

2. The search feature is lacking. On Myspace, you could search for people by location, age, etc.

3. No photo albums :(

4. The forums look different. Not a big deal but it's something I've noticed. Here's a screenshot from old Myspace: 

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Reply by NosyCat


Re: search by age and location, what you describe sounds like a privacy nightmare. Otherwise, fixing the forums would be good.

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Reply by ★MJ★


Original Myspace was really artist friendly - you could see all the bands from your town and listen to the 5 songs they shared on their profile. Partnering with Spotify would be a bad idea - as that's the worst thing to happen to a musician's ability to make a living from their art. Perhaps bandcamp would be a better choice if they don't want to host music themselves, or design a player.

It used to be that all the music and movies listed in your interests section would hyperlink to all the other profiles who also put that in their bio. It made it really easy to connect with friends with similar interests. :)

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Reply by Jason Anderson


Would be nice if we have photo albums , better search features that's how we can find old friends that you want seen in a long time.

An never going to add that kind of stuffs to SpaceHey Only place that have that stuffs are on Friendproject.net maybe get lucky on Myspace.com they are kinda fixing up the site 

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