« Helping each other Forum

Reassurance? Pls?

Posted by Neil


Forum: Helping each other

I’m at a really bad place right now mentally and I just need comforting words/reassurance so I can stop like..constantly being paranoid and just hovering over this website for no reason. 

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Reply by Liliwyn


Hi, I hope it's not too late to say everything changes. I know "everything will be ok" is cliche, but I think that knowing that the present moment is not how things will always be is what helps me get through hard times. And if things aren't changing quick enough, make a random change for the better on your own. Block people that are having negative opinions of you, or start a new fun game/movie/book whatever you're interested in. Switch up the time of day that you're at your computer or on your phone. Sometimes getting stuck in a routine is draining if you're not feeling stimulated. Obviously Idk what you're going through to be able to give solid advice, but things will change. I hope you have someone in your life you can vent to also.

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