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Toxic Happiness?!

Everyone wants more of it and everyone seems to be lacking it simultaneously.

Have we allowed ourselves to become conditioned to a “good vibes only” kind of lifestyle that is not reflective of the normal highs and lows of life?

Let’s talk about it.

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Reply by Cali


I do not agree with this, 100%. I do believe in something called Trauma Bonding, or the act of emotionally attaching yourselves to your partner because of similar pain, experiences, etc. 

And because both of you are looking to forget, numb, or dismiss the thought, memory, feeling... or whatever, you create place of peace within each other, and try to adapt to "happiness created" rather than happiness found. ANd then when everything crashes, it's because of a non existent reality you've created that now has to be bonded....it's just a cycle until you step out of the third demension and fix self first

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Reply by LEROY


I love optimism, but I’ve found people who are over the top with love & positivity are some of the most manipulative people out there lol. By all means, be positive and spread good energy. A 'good vibes only' mentality is fine as long as you still address issues and handle them as needed without living in complete denial. 

Even that "everything happens for a reason line" as a response for everything doesn't sit right with me. Many horrible things happen as a result of poor decisions. I think more people need to realize when they're using optimism to dress up pain/disappointment/exhaustion/stress and tuck it away without dealing with it. As someone who goes through burnout from time to time, it's the worst band-aid ever. Yeah, I know everything will be okay, but right now it's not and that needs to be felt and processed. 

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