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Modern day “strength” is a scam

Seems like these days, strength is just an elaborate form of denial where people praise themselves on getting over something as opposed to actually dealing with something.

Do you find that “being strong” hasn’t quite worked out for you as it was advertised?

Let’s talk about it.

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Reply by Cali


These are really good questions. 

For ME, being strong has become MY pushing force, MY saving grace, and MY sense of PURPOSE. The reason for all three of these, is simple. Strength is my driving force. Strength is my motivation. Stregnth is my happiness. If I can wake up everyday, even if I con't want to, even if i may have a slightly off mindslip, or I'm in a depressive state, I know that my stregnth for my babies, or my family, a friend, a stranger, helped PUSH someone else. It created light. It made a space for love...whatever it did, affected, filled in.....I DID that off an untouchable feeling! 

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Reply by Rogo


Most times "being strong" just means surviving a day, we don't all have the mental strength to go through issues and challenges like every other person and its a strength to acknowledge that and heal little by little. 

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