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Counter Strike 2

Posted by Patrick


Forum: Games

I recently came back to the game at the launch of cs2. How is everyone liking it for those who are playing? I personally am loving it. I quit doing ranked back in like 2016 after the first rank update that dropped me from Legendary Eagle all the way to Silver. Yes, it hurt me that bad that I quit competitive for so long. I mainly just did community servers since then. 

If you are looking for friends to play with, i'd most likely be down. I personally won't put my steam code or discord in this post but will give it out for those who are interested. 

What are yalls thoughts on cs2?

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Reply by ニーチェはクソだ


Personally I hate just every aspect of it, but I understand why people tend to give it the thumbs up anyway.

From my point of view, it has become just another soulless shooter, and whose update was basically unnecessary. Why? Simple, because they don't essentially add anything new or improve anything major, at least not in any significant way. In fact they have removed content and distinctive features (e.g. game modes and achievements, among others).
They could have improved security at any time and (which they sold that the update was necessary in addition to other reasons I feel absurd) and they never did, preferring instead to just give waves of VAC bans, but at no point did they really improve the anticheat or the community itself, until the end it still felt absolutely unbalanced.

Part of the reason for CSGO popularity was that it was relatively "well optimised", and that almost any PC could run it without major problems. People took the graphics engine change lightly and thought that the performance issues would be beta-only, so hardly anyone complained at the time. Today, it is unplayable for a large number of people, and I'm sure if it wasn't free right now, they would have killed the game.

I was never really into CSGO tbh, even when I first tried it in 2012 and it didn't feel that far away from a classic CS game. but now, this (for me) just doesn't feel like a Counter Strike game anymore, and I ended up going back to Source again.
While CSGO is still going to be perfectly functional with unofficial servers, I think Valve shouldn't have removed it, instead making CS2 a sort of optional update like the beta was, but oh well.

For years now I have generally felt that the company has been making the worst possible decisions, so I am not too disappointed at this point. Making money from boxes and skins at the end of the day is the only goal in their minds. For those who are in favour of the update and find no reason to view it negatively, I hope you will enjoy the game as long as you can and as much as it will last without major inconveniences. :)

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Reply by EnzoPowell


CS:GO's evolution has been quite a journey, right? The release of CS2 brought a fresh wave of excitement. Sorry to hear about the rank drop back then; that can sting! Community servers can be a blast, offering a different vibe from competitive play. Have you explored the latest updates in CS:GO since returning? Some changes might resonate with CS2's features. Also, discussing experiences and making friends is awesome! It's like building a team camaraderie, somewhat similar to the interactions you might find in the CS2 market.

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