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Is it too late to get back into drawing when there's AI doing it.

When I was a kid, I was into making comic books, but it wasn't the best but I enjoy doing it. Now I'm 16 and wanting to get better at it before I turn 18. But now we got this AI stuff drawing stuff that can be made in mins and now i'm wondering. Is it even possible to get back into drawing. or should i just give up and use these AI software?

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Reply by oo3922


dont let ai stop you!!!! ai is lifeless, it doesnt have the charm of what you would make!!

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Reply by Gray


As a hobby there's nothing stopping you from drawing, aside from other artist bullies. But if you're wanting to do it for work, I am not sure as I don't know the statistics on people buying real art and AI art. If I had to make a guess, AI art would be cheaper, cause it takes much mess time and labor. But AI isn't perfect right now and I am sure people are willing to pay extra money to support real artists and to pay something drawn properly and uniquely. Like some people have been saying, the only good art AI is capable of making is very bland and generic pictures, it struggles to generate anything with unusual details to it.

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Reply by 0046


if you don't mind, i'm gonna compare this to music history

in the 1960s, when the moog synthesizer first came out, there was HUGE pushback against it by session musicians, musicians who played traditional acoustic/analog instruments. there was even a successful motion in the UK to ban synthesizers entirely from sessions and live performances in order to protect the jobs of string players! it wasn't lifted until 1997 when the UK musicians' union eventually decided to let synth players into the union [and later even DJs], but before then, plenty of venues banned synthesized instruments in order to protect traditional orchestras

but like....people still play traditional analog acoustic instruments to this day. just because there are computers that make the job easier doesn't mean it's gonna put you out of a job. in terms of AI art, the tech isn't NEARLY good enough yet to render traditional artists 100% obsolete, the artists whose jobs are most at risk [namely concept artists and illustrators with very realistic or heavily-rendered styles] still Have job opportunities, AND there are plenty of other art styles and mediums out there that AI can't replicate whatsoever, such as animation, 3D modeling, graphic design, hell any kind of graphical cartoony style it has LEAGUES of trouble with, because it's too precise and clean for the computer to leave room for error with messy brushstrokes.

tl;dr--i implore you to learn art anyway. it's a great skill to have that tech isn't anywhere close to rendering obsolete yet.

honestly i could go on a huge rant about how people are way too confident certain areas of tech that are not nearly ready to be released to the public will put humans out of work in the very near future [namely self-driving cars] but i'll spare you. i like computers and i'm very interested in the tech behind all this AI crap but primarily because it gives me opportunities to reassure people the tech is just not good enough to replace humans yet because quite frankly it kinda fuckin sucks

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Reply by Mutt


yeah keep it up! ai's purpose isnt to make creations or do stuff for us, its to help us do stuff. i would hate to see ai crushing the spirits and hope artist's like you have. so while people are misusing ai wildly and its kind of a dumpster fire atm, don't feel discouraged with your own stuff. your content far surpasses any bots generations.

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Reply by Jinnicide


AI “art” is already almost dead in the water.

Be a human, make real art.

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