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scene/emo/goth/literally any1!!!!!

Posted by TRISTAN


Forum: Friends

trying 2 look for more friends who like the same stuff as me & more!! id absoutely luv 2 b friends w ppl on here, im just bad at starting convos and keeping them going besides saying "i like ur profile" and stuff LMFAO 

so if any1 wants 2 b friends send me a friend request :3 id luv 2 talk!!!

im also new 2 the scene/emo subculture so if any1 has tips on how 2 get cool looking cheap clothes online n stuff or music recs PLSPLS PLSS HMU!!! ty :3

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Reply by Pastelghost


I'm not scene/emo/goth but i am alt

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Hiiii! I’m scenemo! We can be friends! 

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