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Ewaste revival thread!

I recently posted this blog post sharing some retro tech that me and my roommate have rescued from the trash at my university. I'd love to see what anyone else has to share!

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Reply by buhnkufunk


sweet. i like the mario. no pictures but i have the last legally sold model released for a black and white analog tv. i think 2004? no stations so far, of course. so far... its fun. found it at a goodwill on my birthday a year ago with my friend. i like to use it for radio on occasion cuz i can tune into radio stations with it. crazy shit

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Reply by RoxxyRogue


Love retro gaming tech. I've actually got an Original Xbox some guy gave me when I bought my first PC from him. Didnt have the cords with it so I still have no Idea if it works. 

That N64 is awesome too. Do you know If there's a way to tell whether a specific cartridge is broken or just dirty? I've got a couple for that system that dont load anymore and I cant tell if its worth trying to save em.

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