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trans siblings

my sister (she/they) has been dropping hints to me that they are actually trans and i panicked for a bit, because my mind made the connection that this would mean that if she got surgery to be a man, i would lose my sister. Of course, this isn't the case but to make sure im as accepting as possible, do you guys have any tips on how to support them? The last thing i wanna do is make her think i dont accept her as she is.

Do you know any sites where i can read up on transgender people and how to understand it better?Or maybe as a trans person yourself, how do i support her the best?

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Reply by arlo atomickk


Although I dont really get where youre coming from with the 'losing' her, one piece of advice is to make sure they DON'T KNOW THAT YOU THINK THAT. because it wont help anything. 

If you want to support them, make sure that you use their pronouns correctly and help correct others who maybe don't know (make sure to check that they want you to do that though, it depends from person to person). Also ask them if they've changed their name and call them by their name. If you want to make a comment on their name, make it a positive one!!

Also, ask them what kind of compliments they would like to receive, whether they'd be more masculine, feminine or neutral. 

If they do come out to you, make sure you tell them that you appreciate them trusting you enough to do so. Make it as easy and pain-free as possible because its a very very difficult thing. Tell them you accept them and ask them if there's anything you can do to make it easier for them personally. 

Although it may be hard referring to them and seeing them how they want to be seen, don't tell them this. It'll just upset them or make them question whether they pass well. If you make a mistake, simply correct yourself - don't make it a huge deal or anything. 

That's really all i can think of for right now but, just, don't treat them any differently than you did before, because they are the same person and that's all that matters. 

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Reply by 🫐 R00KIE


Hey! Having a family member come out as trans can be confusing, especially when they're very close to you. Asking about how to support them is already a step in the right direction! I think the best way to understand transgender people is to ask individuals that are trans, rather than looking at sites(everyone's experience is going to be different!).

Remember that, if your sibling does figure out that they are transgender and decide to have surgery done, they will still be your sibling! They are still family no matter what, and their gender identity shouldn't change anything about your relationship with them.

As a person who isn't exactly cisgender themself, I think a good way of supporting them is just to let your sibling know that you are a safe space/safe person. If you can, find a way to tell them that. If they feel comfortable enough(and you feel comfortable, too!), maybe try asking them upfront if they think that they are transgender.

The best thing you can do is to just be there for them. 💙Best of luck to you and your sibling.

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