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How many books did you read in 2020? What were your favorites?
Do you have any reading goals for 2021?

I read 27 (may sound like a lot, but it's roughly half my average).

Notable gems included:

Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops, and the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream
David McGowan

Wow, No Thank You
Samantha Irby

Permanent Record
Edward Snowden

Into the Raging Sea: 33 Mariners, 1 Megastorm, and the Sinking of El Faro
Rachel Slade

My First Five Husbands...And The Ones Who Got Away
Rue McClanahan

Self Care
Leigh Stein (not what it sounds like, lol)

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Reply by Bailey


I stopped reading for fun once I got to college but with the pandemic I've been trying to get back into it. I have a stack of books from high school that I never got to so I've been trying to work through those before I read some of the newer books that I got recently. 

The Sequel to If I Stay

My goal for 2021 is to read more, and hopefully get through the stack of old books. I look forward to reading an Audrey Hepburn biography and A Man Called Ove

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Reply by Laura Wolf


I lost count of what I read in 2020 haha

My noteable reads were:

Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows (reserve judgement and give it a go, I swear...)

A Man Worth Shaving For; Oh, Keep Your Shirt On; and First Kiss Train Wreck by Michelle Pennington (best Romcoms and overall best series I read in 2020 - she's got a #4 coming soon too)

Sapphire Ridge Prospects by Darlene Byers (a new author, but with a unique Australian voice)

Tamie Dearen "Limitless" Billionaire series - a sweet romance series set around a group of billionaires each with a disability. Really sweet ad refreshing.

The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie (I'm trying to go back and read some classics atm. Agatha Christie is amazing and there's a great free audio version of this on YouTube)

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Reply by Pprincess89


10 Or 11

Lady Cop Makes Trouble-Amy Stewart

Miss Kopp’s Midnight Confession-Amy Stewart

When Life Gives You Lululemons-Lauren Weisberger

The Lady In The Rivers- Philippa Gregory

The Kingsmakers Daughter-Philippa Gregory

The Red Queen-PhilippaGregory

The White Queen-Philippa Gregory

Lamp Black Wolf Grey-Paula Brackston
Snow Falling- Jane Gloriana Villanueva

Love & War- Melissa De La Cruz

Alex & Eliza-Melissa De La Cruz

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Reply by Brian Palmer


We had our second child right at the end of 2019, and then when I stopped taking the bus to work during the pandemic I basically lost all my reading time for the year. I think I read maybe 4 or 5 books on my own time? Out of those I think the most notable ones I read where Liane Moriarty's What Alice Forgot and Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time. Apart from that I enjoyed starting to go through the Chronicles of Narnia with our daughter for the first time!

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Reply by Don


I didn't keep track of what I read in 2020. I was incredibly busy as work after the pandemic.
This year, unemployed, due to the pandemic. Sheesh.
But my goal for 2021 is 15 books. Not much. But I have 9 down at the moment and halfway through another.
This year I'm reading a bit of everything. Young adult, bio, mystery/crime, and sci-fi fantasy.
I'm wanting to get some old gothic romance in and maybe some westerns, and historical fiction and non-fiction. But we'll see where my tastes take me.

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Reply by Flossie


why has this thread gotten so attacked by bots???? anyway, im actually an english student so for all accounts i should have read a lot more than i have this year!! only about 12 books through.....orz... but i did finish the secret history this summer and enjoyed it despite the hype! hoping i double or triple my number so far by the end of the year though

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Reply by Sage Tulip


I'm beginning to read a lot again! I use to love it as a child before I grew up and life got complicated lol! In a super stressful situation I've only got the chance to read about 5 books this year and three volumes of The Boys comic. 

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Reply by moldych33s3


HI HI!!! so this year in 2022 has been so chaotic there has been literally no time for me to read sadly , but I did manage to get some books in so that's good!!!

in 2020- 2022 I have read about 100 books??? ( lost track lol)

but I would highly recommend the horror/thriller novel A clown in the cornfield b Adam Cesare;
if you like clowns and horror then you will like this!!! The books is ver fast paced and ADDICTING, like I could not put this book down lol. Anyways, check it out from your local library if you have a chance :D

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Reply by argentAegis


I'm currently reading Kant and the Platypus. 

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Reply by danny :3


i've probably read thirty or so, but i restarted with all my reading in june or so. i drastically switched what i was reading and only really count the fifteen or so that i've read since then.

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Reply by Kamov


gave myself a challenge and started reading Capital by Marx

all three volumes, I hope I'll finish it this year ;-;

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Reply by Sydney


I set my reading goal for 70 books last year but only read 31 :/

I'm trying to cut myself some slack this year because I am also in school (as an English major) so I technically read a lot more than just books; I just couldn't include an article about Panopticism to my book count :'D. My goal is 50 this year and I'm already 5 books into it. I have a bookstagram but I want to start posting book reviews on here too. The blogging function on here I think is better suited for it than instagram.

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