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My hopes for the up-coming Scott pilgrim anime (^-^)

Sometimes waiting for the anime feels like being in a desert for 2 months without water, ITS TORTURE *sobs!*

But anyways, what I hope is that we get a scene with all the Ex's together, the past books and the movie itself don't have that,,  just like it to happen because I think it would be funny lolz.

Another thing is that the anime won't be similar to the book and the movie, which is actually already confirmed! I just want new stuff to happen :3

My fav character is Gideon graves, I hope we get more of a deeper story for him since there's not much background info for him, and this includes the rest of the evil goofy league. ^_^

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SAME WITH THE GIDEON THING!!!! I don't think I could say I have a fav of the exs BUT I WANT SO MUCH MORE DEEPER STORY AND I REALLLY HOPE THEY GIVE US THAT! Also I hope they keep his sillyness and make his 'backstory' rlly cool :>

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Reply by C0N_FETT1



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Reply by C0N_FETT1



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Reply by Kobraghostz


To be honest I'm actually hoping for more nega scott scenes/content because hez my favourite QwQ(i hope they reuse his theme from the game in the anime or make an even cooler theme for him x-3)

I also really wanna know more backstory to the evil exes too! :DD

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Reply by C0N_FETT1


I think nega-scott is a cool character, I wanna see more of him too! ^0^

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Reply by frontroe


my top two characters are gideon and nega scott so literally anything to do with them would be so awesome. really would like lisa to be in it thought rarrrgg

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