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about mbti and neurodivergents

Posted by inth


Forum: General

i really was into mbti like 2 years ago but i stopped when felt unable to fit a specific mbti, that affected me and i unconsciously was trying to be one, until i gave up because being who i wasnt was hurting me and i concluded that i dont have a mbti and 16 personalities are not enough for everyone in this world (something obvious).

 the other day i was talking with a friend and i said that the mbti was for neurotypicals, as a joke. i didnt think about it that time but maybe im right. 

any other neurodivergent have a similar experience with the mbti??

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Reply by Dinic 💫


I have it in my profile for fun but I struggled a bit with the MBTI because I feel like being ND made my way more introverted than I would be otherwise, so it doesn't feel too accurate

I like the ennegram a bit more because it feels a little more specific, but it's like there's always going to be problems with personaltiy tests like that

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Reply by Gray


I'm autistic and I only ever took tests like those for fun and never viewed them seriously. There's also the fact I always heard the mbti test is flawed so there's that too.

I'm also an adult so I grew out of the need of wanting labels. Nothing will ever perfectly describe me, I am me and no online test can say who I am, only a good idea of who I might be. I kinda feel like people are biased to half answer as what they want to me and half answer what they actually are. It's a sunconscious thing I think.

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