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[MUSIC GENERAL] Music from the Comic/Albums/Fanmade [pinned]

all ya music geeks GET IN HERE RN >:33

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behind all the official albums theres a mountain of brilliant unreleased (see Soundtest) and fan tracks with very little attention, but holy shit is it good. i recommend the STLaP albums (here's STLaP 3)

but to anyone reading this, u can find a lot of good fan albums @ hsmusic.wiki only downside is you cant actually listen to the music on the site, its just links to where its hosted. so it's basically a massive directory. HOT TIP on the homepage scroll down to 'new additions'

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Reply by salvo91able


soundtest is a blessing.

even the unfinished tracks sound like they could've been bangers

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hope that with the new homestuck^2 there's gonna be more music in the works

and thus, soundpages

pretty exciting time i guess. to wake up from years of fuckery and hiatus to this

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Reply by Witch's Cadence


Man, i wish this thread wasn't dead
There's so much awesome music to be found in Homestuck and the fan music scene
I highly recommend to anyone that wants to find music relating to it to check out the Homestuck Music Wiki.

It has so much music, and logs all of the references between each track.
all 5,560 of them. (they are still adding to it too)

It even has some extra stuff like the Undertale/Deltarune OSTs, Michael Guy Bowman's self published music, Psycholonials and some Homestuck inspired comics, and lists all of their references aswell. (but even then, that's still not everything!!)

It's honestly my favorite wiki on all of the internet.

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Reply by BracingStripes


Something a little different- A live concert by Michael Guy Bowman himself from the themed cafe thing last year. No Mobius Trip costume unfortunately. He goes through a lot of the vocal stuff and even has the audience do the guitar solo from How Do I Live, cause that's almost obligatory.

IDK how many people here were around the fandom back during the original run, but Bowman would go around with his guitar and costume at cons and go to meetups to play.

Here's an encore too, livestreamed straight from his big bowman bedroom.

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