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Ska Fans of SpaceHey?

Posted by peachfuzz


Forum: Music

Looking for fellow fans of Ska - whatever wave, whatever subgenre, whatever bands - to chat with!

Personally, I'm a pretty big fan of (but not limited to!)...

♫ Reel Big Fish
♫ Streetlight Manifesto (imo they're ska-adjacent)
♫ The Planet Smashers
♫ Catch 22
♫ Goldfinger
♫ Less Than Jake
♫ We Are The Union
♫ Catbite
♫ Jer/Skatune Network

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Reply by cooldude94


Give Pain! a try! They're an old dorky 90s ska band that did an iconic Cartoon Network/Boomerang bumper. But their other music is fantastic too! They also recently came back as Salvo and the music is still great.

Here's some recommended tracks:

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Reply by Adam Wants You Dead


idk how much they count, but i'm rlly big into operation ivy. they're more punk, but still super good :p

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Reply by TheFloat


Solid State 14 by My Superhero is a pretty good unknown ska album but the lead singer was (and still is) not a good guy.

Half Past Two is an S tier modern ska band and you should definitely check them out

Good to know that there are ska heads on this site ;;)

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Reply by Sent To Destroy


The only two ska bands I really listen to are Reel Big Fish and Elysium. I'd like to get into this genre of music more, though. I also listen to Pain, which cooldude94 already mentioned, but I don't consider Pain a ska band because the band themselves don't consider Pain a ska band. I think it's more accurate to call them a Pop Punk band or a Fabloo Rock band (shout to the Tally Hall fans who know what I'm talking about.)

I think it's interesting to see Rudeboys/girls on here, since Spacehey seems to attract people who are more into pop punk and/or emo. Fitting, since this site is meant to be a spiritual successor to old MySpace.

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Reply by Splinkey


RIGHT HEREE!! i really like streetlight manifesto i think that there awesome the reason i like them is because there not traditional ska and are very experimental ANOTHER REASON is that the front man Tomas Kalonky is probably the most talented ska artist put there for example he wrote evry part of keasby nights in HIGHSCHOOL another reason why is that if you listen to the streetlight light lullabies on hissolo artost page TohKay the guitar playing is super technical and overall really imopressive 

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