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What has been your biggest struggle lately?

I'm curious, I know alot of people start getting bad again when the cooler seasons come around-

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Reply by ArcadeDan


I need to do my calculus 1 exam. I'm stressed because this is my first math class in like 5 years :|

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Reply by arlo atomickk


starting university. i've been suffering from pretty bad agoraphobic anxiety for the entire summer. i maybe went out 4 times the whole 3-4 months. so having to go 4 days a week is like insanely hard. i also have no friends, i have to eat alone (which is surprisingly depressing) and have such bad anxiety i'm almost non-verbal. but i'll deal. i'm hoping i can make friends soon enough. 

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Reply by b


ive been gaining weight this past half a year (birth control + fast food) and its something ive been really upset over and hate

i see new stretch marks, my face is fatter, my corset barley fits anymore :( it just sucks like a lot 

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Reply by DemonAngelCat


Honestly everything. What’s been on my mind is the fact that I might have bpd but I’m also still a minor and if I want to get an appointment my parents would have to set it up for me, so if I turn out to be right, even if the doctor let me choose whether or not I’d like my parents to know, they’d probs pressure it out of me anyway. And that’s not good when my mom has made several kinda ableist remarks abt cluster b personality disorders that make me think she won’t accept me if I’m right so I’m scared to do anything abt it rn.

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Reply by benny // whalefall


honestly, y'all, i'm not doing super hot. my parents are abusive, but there's meds i take that i rely on to live, as a physically disabled person, so i can't just up and leave. i've called all the people i can think of and visited all the websites i can think of. 211's busy. i don't qualify for services at one place, couldn't even reach another. the LGBT center isn't open 24 hours and the reviews are scarily bad. ugh. i'm doing (what feels like) everything i can. i need help

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