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Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. So? Any special plans? One of my funniest stories is from when my H and I were discussing plans. He thought we weren't prepared for any possible trick-or-treaters.

I said: "Well. We DO have IceCubes". (He didn't realize I'd bought a package of that chocolate candy with that name).

He looked puzzled, and said: "Or, we COULD just get out the hose."


I think it is time to take down our summer flag and wreath and replace with autumn motifs. I've felt a nip in the morning air and the morning temps have gone from 90 to 70s.

Bet our winter is as extreme as our summer has been. Thankfully, all we retired people need to do is make sure our food stocks are adequate.

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Reply by Cheriq


The 2nd time I was put in FB jail was from this picture (Martha Stewart) recipe for "Lady Fingers" which I'd actually made for a party we had. (Made by rolling dough, boiling it, making "knuckle" creases and using food coloring on almonds to make the "nails".

Oops - now, I need to figure out how to paste in a copied image. Hmmmm....different than FB.

Hmmmmm.... here is the image link.


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Reply by Kels


Testing link

So far if you click (testing link) you get the image. 

I can't remember how to post. 

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Reply by Cheriq


Thanks, Kels. Too bad it isn't as simple as a C+P

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