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What's Your Favorite IASIP episode?

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I think Mac and Charlie Die will always be my favorite. Absolute gold episode. 
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more kindness. less judgement — S4 E5 - Mac and Charlie Die

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Reply by Mik


Mine is "The Gang Goes To Hell" - both parts. This show has some solid two-parters, but this one hits different for plentiful of reasons.

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Reply by yuri nator (sam)


the gang goes 2 hell always makes me really emotional, but all time fav is probs the gang goes 2 the jersey shore!!! :)

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Reply by b


atm its The Nightman Cometh because, duh.

Buuut, I have the season 4 dvd (buying all of them) and they have a live version of the nightman and with more songs and its great. Its always stuck in my head and Charlie is one of my top favorites, so really a great episode for me.

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Reply by beanieluvsmosh


maybe the gang gets analyzed just bcuz i really like how each other respond to therapy, i think it helps to have an insight to them

and the 2 musicals, obv more the nightman cometh, it feels more sunny, but eh i like musicals

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