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"Bad" and overhated albums you enjoy

Posted by Weeze


Forum: Music

You ever really like an album which is generally considered "bad" in general or compared to other work by the same artist? I do quite a bit lol.

I really like all of Weezer's discography (Red goes hard)

The matt skiba era of blink-182 is super good (seriously, give nine another chance)

And I don't know if this one is disliked or just niche but the original version of twin fantasy by car seat headrest (mirror to mirror) I can't get into the 2018 recording at all lol.

If anyone has any similar experiences and albums I'd love to hear them ^-^

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Reply by collision144


probably because of my love for them but there's two, Other Voices and Full Circle by The Doors.

they were both made after the lead singer, Jim Morrisons Death, Other Voices being made after the hella successful L.A Woman album.

Ships With Sails and The Peking King And The New York Queen are some nice jams for me, check them both out if you want 

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Reply by Techn0


Testament's The Ritual. It's not a bad album, but it's considered mid compared to their 80s albums. I just really enjoy their slower songs which this album is packed with. Get's you in the mood

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Reply by bunniecustard


a lot of dsbm & raw bm (⊙ _ ⊙ ) to be fair i have aoty brainrot & assume the reviews on that site = the thoughts n feelings of the general public .. but i think people were WAAY too harsh on paramore's this is why !!!!!!!

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