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Old gen kpop

Posted by Pyro


Forum: kpop stans! <3 Group

What are some old kpop song yall enjoy?

I'm revisiting history /j

Personly I like MIROTIC,MAMA, and one shot

Recommendation me some!

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4 Replies

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Reply by Cyn


Honey by Kara and really anything by Girls Generation. To give a specific example I'll say Boyfriend. I love that song so much (*♡∀♡)

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Reply by liz


i really like miss a, aoa, girls generation

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Reply by meatbuuuuuns


i love infinite (nothing's over, cover girl, be mine, the chaser)!!! also boyfriend, mblaq, maybe b2st?

based off of the songs you put, maybe you'd like "rising sun" from dbsk? songs from click-b and h.o.t may interest you as well, since they have more of a rock sound. 

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Reply by peacespace


rising sun and o jung ban hap are songs by dbsk i love and you should also love haha

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