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help with putting an overlay over friend and comment icons + other help

Posted by three.


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

exactly what the title says. im currently using 

filter: sepia(100%) saturate(200%) hue-rotate(18deg) brightness(80%) contrast(105%);
to put the current filter on it, but i'd rather have the filter over the commenters' profile pictu

res and be able to keep the borders their orange color like the rest of my theme. i'd also like to know if it's possible to put an image overlay (like the tv screen effect on my sidebar image + profile picture) over friends pfps and commenters.

secondly, any emojis used in my comments are replaced by my little squid icon thing. how do i avoid this from happening? i know its happening because of the line below, but if i remove it it puts the default spacehey icons on the buttons for friending, favoriting, and etc, which i dont want.

.icon, .award img {
        content: url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1148137353316155423/1148153842077282344/memcake.png);
        height: 18px;
        width: 16px;

thank you in advance for any help provided.

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