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Your favorite Ace Attorney case and why?

Mine was either 

Farewell, My Turnabout

This case was such an interesting one and the only one where the defendant is guilty

Turnabout Goodbyes

Edgeworths whole Arc in this is amazing 

The Stolen Turnabout

I like how there wasn't a murder (at first LOL) and honestly I loved it

and Bridge To Turnabout

The best case in the whole series IMO I loved the twists and everything

(This isn't in any order btw)

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Reply by dragoness_


thats a pretty hard decision, but mine's probably between turnabout goodbyes and turnabout succession so far!! i love when aa games have that big overarching mystery that all clicks together in the end, its so cool to see it all unravel and finally catch the culprit (that you never would've expected!!) i can totally agree that edgeworth's arc was great in that case, pw is one of my favorite games in the series simply for how well the major characters developed >:D

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Reply by ⚣。 Klavier


The grand turnabout, twisted karma and his last bow, and the resolve of ryunosuke naruhodou

(Can you tell i like case endings most? ) 

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Reply by flinchmax


3-5 is perfection for me

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