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Tell me your art or craft goals!

Do you have any artistic or crafty goals this year?

My dream is to switch entirely away from fast fashion to a self-sewn, thrifted, and artisan made wardrobe. This year I'm setting an easy goal of making 5 basic articles of clothing that I can wear!

How about you?

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16 Replies

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Reply by *~Michelle~*


I love this idea! My friend and I just signed up from an online class that teaches you how to make cloths! from pattern making to draping to custom fitting items you already own! I'm so excited. I def try to not buy fast fashion and try to repair old cloths, thrift and sew my own when possible! 

My goals this year are to draw + paint consistency~rn im aiming for once during the week and once during the weekend xP 

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Reply by Kato


I used to do illustrations and draw webcomics! I sort of burnt myself
out on them, but it's something I'd like to seriously focus on and
revisit these days. In the meantime, I like designing skateboard decks
for our local skate shop, so I suppose my goal there is to put out a new design at least every month!

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Reply by electroslag


Wow designing skateboard decks seems like the coolest job ever hahahaha

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Reply by Cherry


I am making jewelry. I have always wanted to get into it but it always felt too expensive to get into. I finally took the plunge and am pretty impressed with my first pieces already. 

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Reply by CatherineAnn


I am great with the making things part. But not so much a business person. I want to move to part time outside employment, and focus on my pots. I am not afraid of the work, it's the salesmanship

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Reply by Cesar


My goal this year is to finish my album. I'm in the middle of recording it- it'll be my second. 

I have friends helping me out with playing different parts but essentially it's my little imaginary band project. 

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Reply by inmyeffect


plan on thrifting more clothes - basically my entire wardrobe is thrifted at this point. I also plan on learning more about video editing (I just started in Premier) and continuing to develop my photography/music production skills. shoutout to all you early users <3

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Reply by Erica


I'm going to try epoxy resin crafts.  If I get as good at it as the sellers on Etsy I may open my own.

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Reply by Alberta Owen


I'm here to help you with some simple painting ideas for beginners on paper. I've compiled a list of tutorials and projects that will get you started in the world of art and craft. From drawing inspiration from your favorite cartoons, to making a beautifully illustrated canvas, there are plenty of fun tutorials for everyone! It's never too late to learn something new or try a different project. Painting is one of the most popular ways to express oneself creatively because it's easy for anyone at any skill level to do - all you need is paint and paper, which can be found at my store! Whether you're an artist looking for inspiration or someone who wants to learn how to make their own paintings from scratch, these simple DIYs are perfect.

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Reply by ☆゚.*CosmicOcean*.゚☆


I just want to handknit cool beanies for my kids and me. I just need yarn lol

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Reply by ♡ catalina ♡


I'm currently writing a comic and I hope to post it on webtoon or something so it gains clout. I wanna make physical copies and sell them on amazon. I'm not too hurried though and plan to make this a life long project. I also wanna work at a tattoo shop on my free time. xx

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Reply by Truant Kids


As musicians our main goal is to be able to live off making music and be able to impact people's lives (hopefully positively)

On a personal note, I'd like to learn to oil paint, which is fairly easy to realize, just a matter of time

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Reply by ottomoth


I'm going to commit vandalism!

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Reply by Egg


I love that idea! I really want to learn how to properly crochet so I make my own bags with as many pockets as I want!

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Reply by albiorix


my goal for this year is to post at least the first episode of my webcomic !

i also have half a bajillion craft plans which you think would be easy for me to accomplish materials wise because i work at a craft store but it only makes it worse because then i think of a million things before i can actually complete any of them lmao but!! shadowbox maybe maybe perhaps  

good luck on accomplishing your goals yall!! 

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Reply by CloudyJester


To finally finish the first square of the blanket I've been trying to make for my boyfriend

Went with the insane size of 70 loops and 50 - 70 rows, depending on how it looks when I get there (which hopefully I eventually will lol)

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