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Posted by The_Jello_Lord


Forum: Email Buddies Group

Post introductions here! Feel free to say anything about yourself, like your name, pronouns, and interests. Also, you can post your email with your introduction if you want. 

I'll post my own intro here too:

I'm Lorelei! I'm 15, I use they/them pronouns, and I'm a lesbian. I like watching movies, baking, sewing, and playing video games. I listen to lots of different types of music, right now I'm most interested in My Chemical Romance and Beauty School Dropout. Feel free to email me at lorifrye79@gmail.com 

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Reply by Hunter


Hello! I'm Hunter, I'm 15 from the UK. I like TF2 and Madness Combat! I get bored easily so a penpal email buddy would be helpful for school lol. I'm Genderfluid and Pansexual. Anyway my email is: Hunterkg564@gmail.com

Please let me know if your gonna email me, cuz i tend to ignore my emails. Have a good day <3

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Reply by sasquatch (wicketmaster)


sasquatch, 15 (16 v soon though), email is the most fun way of communication imo

i like mcr, jawbreaker, rock and a little bit of metal in general, guitar, drawing, tech [currently looking to create a fan forum at some point for ppl who know anything abt phpBB], UK, web design, blender, trying out video editing, i collect hobbies like nickels, etc etc.

oh yeh, and my email is srslysasquatch@outlook.com lol

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