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How the hell do I add pictures on bulletins and on blogs??

Posted by Over_.flow


Forum: SpaceHey

Ik a good portion of people have asked this before and have given explanations, but honestly- I don’t really understand them all too well so I’m just gonna drop this here as last resort lol

Most from what I’ve heard is that people use Imgur to paste in the link whenever you click on the photo option as well as a few extra steps that’s just kinda left me there all like: confused confusion 

And also- is it really just a thing that works on computers and not on mobile? I figured it would be a bit tedious to do on a phone in the first place but yea fksjjsjdjsjaijsud 

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Reply by Ducky~☆


i’m guessing you are struggling because on mobile you typically cannot right click and select “copy image link” or “open image in new tab” like you can in desktop. but it is still doable. 

you just need a link that goes Directly to an image, nothing else. there’s probably lots of ways to do this.

for example i have a neocities, so i have a folder to store images for my website, and they each have their own URL, so i can link this kitty here by pasting “https://duckysite.neocities.org/images/kitty8.gif”.

unfortunately, i don’t use imgur, so i’m not sure how to help you with that specifically.

BIT i know another way to achieve this on mobile, if you have Discord:

send the image to somebody on Discord, or in an empty server that’s just for you (i wish it would let you just DM yourself :P), hold down on it and click “copy media link”!

hope this helps!

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Reply by dakota 📎


i usually just copy the image then paste it into the post but if that doesnt work then copy the image address and press this button then paste it into the url bar then confirm!

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Reply by Over_.flow


Fksjhdjsjsjdhd I wish there was an option to reply to forum comments- but thank you the the people who left responses here either way! (I kinda lowkey forgot to give an update that I don’t need help on this issue anymore but djsjshhdhshahs thanks omfg ;_;)

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