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Healing Through Trauma

Posted by Resilynnce


Forum: Life

I was a trauma baby born in a world where all I saw was evil. Child abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse. Pretty much anything bad you can think of, so I spent my time causing people the same hurt that was done to me before I could even understand what trauma was. I was 23 when I learned that there was a angelic side to life. I escaped a sex trafficking ring in 2019. People I thought I could trust tried to convince me to solicit my body for money and when I did not comply they tried to kill me. They were also lacing me with drugs that caused me to have a complete mental breakdown. I forgot who I was or anything about my life for 6-8 months. I had to start my life completely over. I was the worse thing that happened to me but also the best because the negative narrative I had of myself was gone and I had the opportunity to create a new person, a better person. Now I live my life helping people find their true authentic fears with out the fear of their past telling them they are not worthy of love, joy and peace. I am interested to hear other peoples story and joining people on their healing journeys. Reach out lets chat. I open my heart to the wounded in hopes to help you blossom into the beautiful souls that you really are. 

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Reply by Dani <3


Hi my loveeee , you truly are a beautiful soul and I’m so proud of you for becoming who you are today despite of everything you’ve been thru . That takes a lot of strength . I’m 16 and ive been abused mentally , physically, and emotionally my whole life . Both of my parents are addicts , my father is a heroin addict (he’s been clean for 14 months and he hasn’t been in my life until about 6 months ago) my mother is an alcoholic (she hasn’t been drinking as often lately but when she does it’s still just as bad as always) she gets so bad when she drinks that she almost shot my brother before and she’s tried to kill me . If you’ve ever watched shameless I feel like fiona lmfao . Ive been doing mindset work and learning about manifestation (the law of assumption) for about a year now . I truly do feel happy within myself , I just wish I didn’t have to grow up so fast , i feel like I have to be a parent to my mom when she should be my parent . When I graduate high school I’m going to go to college to be an addiction counselor, I love helping people . I’m definitely still healing but in my opinion focusing on what hurt you isn’t helping you heal , reliving it is not helping you heal . I’m not sure if I ignore the pain or if I truly have gotten thru it , I’m kind of lost in that sense but I know I’ll figure that out eventually . The journey of growth is never ending and Im so so proud of you , myself , and anybody else who’s been thru hell but is still here strong as ever and putting in the work to become the best version of themselves . I hope you’re having an amazing day ️ 

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Reply by Resilynnce


Hello Lovely, 

I am sorry you have to go through so much especially so young. It sucks that so many are force to grow up at a young age. I think the fact that you are aware of your trauma and actively working to present long term damage is a beautiful thing. It show your resilience. I've learned that healing is a never ending cycle, there will always be another layer to peel back once you peel back the first layer. I do agree with you about reliving your trauma its such a risky thing. Have you looked into counseling or therapy?

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