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learning a new languange

Posted by *Key*


Forum: Helping each other

What is the best way to go about learning a new language? also where would you find friends online to language swap with?

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Reply by Monica


Hi there! I think the best ways is to surround yourself with that language as much as possible, therefore also through songs and movies and then also with online and non-online friends who speak that language.

what is the language you would like to learn?

I know two sites to meet people from all over the world and improve the language, they are called interpals and slowly.

personally I prefer slowly because I feel people are mostly genuinely interested in knowing more about you and your country and telling about them and their country, the format is like having pen pals so its really cool especially if you like to write. :D

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Reply by *Key*


Thank you! im hoping to start with Spanish. Thank you for the suggestions, I heard that it really helps.. talking with others who speak the language. I read that it's a slow process and though I understand I guess im the type that wants fast work. I think I will earn it then. thank you again!

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Reply by lizzie ☭


Definitely what the other person said! I don't know much about sites where you can language swap, but I have some other tips. 

For reading and vocab, I like to switch my phone/computer language to the language I'm learning to immerse myself more. I also try to follow accounts on social media that speak the language so even if I don't interact with them, I can still practice reading and learning slang. 

As for sounding more fluent, I would recommend learning phonics in that language like how you would in your native language when you were younger. So, like, learning what sound "ae" makes in the language so that when you read words aloud you sound more fluent. 

I don't know if this helped, but good luck!!

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Reply by *Key*


Thank u this definitely helps a lot ,I appreciate it . 

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