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I have so many hopes, but few goals

I hope one day I can own my own house that I can make as sustainable as possible. I hope I can keep my friends and be in a position to look after them when we're adults if they ever need it. I hope that the world won't "end" (or at least humanity won't, I don't think the world will until the sun blows up) in my lifetime.

But I don't know how blind those hopes are.

My goals are to learn Japanese (でも、僕は下手ですよ。日本語の学習が難しいです [if I wrote that right: "But, I'm not skillful at it. Japanese learning is difficult" if not, it probably says something like that but terrible grammar]) Maybe pick up a third language if I become comfortable enough in that one. I want to get into university for biotechnology, I want to do something with mycology if that's an available option. If it's not I want something I'll be able to find passion in as a career still.

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Reply by mewsa


You seriously need to give up on your hopes and goals. Live as a bot that follows like any other human being. Theres really no reason for you to be so full of hopes and dreams that lead you to no where. Youre supposed to stay as an empty soul that does nothing but roam around.

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Reply by shodan


i agree with mewsa you should just be an npc 

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Reply by Truxiferous


I'll definitely keep these under consideration, 

But out of curiosity, why?

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