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3ds game recommendations

Posted by alex!!!


Forum: Games

hello!! does anyone know any casual games for the 3ds? i really enjoy style savvy.. so please recommend any similar games! :)

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idk many games like style savvy specifically, but i do know lots of casual 3DS games! highly recommend things like animal crossing: new leaf and tomodachi life if you've never played them. there's also lots of older DS (not 3DS) games that sort of cater to the same girly audience. i had lots of games centered around tinker bell and littlest pet shops growing up. look into DS games, they can be played on the 3DS as well !!

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Reply by Snesonix


i HIGHLY recommend the visual novel series Ace attorney it started out on the DS and all the mainline games are on DS and 3DS but you can also get the first three games in a bundle on all the newest platforms PC,switch,ps4,xbox so its up to you if you wanna play the DS/3DS versions or the remastered (theres no new content in the remasters only new visuals)

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Reply by swaghaver


i'm assuming your 3ds is hacked, so some homebrew games/ports i like are celeste classic (the little pico-8 minigame from celeste), doki doki literature club, cookie clicker, and some sonic games. as for normal games, i love the scribblenauts series! you just go around solving people's problems with a notebook that makes what you write in it come to life. rollercoaster tycoon and zoo tycoon are also really fun. the sims 3 pets is also p good but it's much more limited than the pc vers of the sims. kirby triple deluxe is v good too. zelda four swords anniversary edition is p short but i love it.

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Reply by Soup101


I would suggest Mario Kart 7 on the 3DS and or New Super Mario Bros. 2 to play for yourself. 

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Reply by Diego


Reply by gildedAlchemist


i reccomend tomodachi life!! its basically several tamagotchi where you raise you miis :D they can get married and preform and host the news and all kinds of silly things

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