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Opinions on the soviet union and stalinism?

I've seen the soviet union and stalinism be a topic of debate among leftists for a while, what're you guys' thoughts on it? 

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Reply by Lillllllllllllllllllllith


Stalin was mentally deranged, to even apply his name to a political ideology is an insult to political thought. The Cult of Personality was inexcusable, and collectivization only serves to pad the pockets of the corrupt ruling class.

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Reply by Eddie_R


Stalisnism is not an actual thing? Like, it's not an ideology or economic system, it's just a term used to mean "things Stalin did that I don't like" or "things done under Stalin's government".

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Reply by teba


He was the only socialist leader after Lenin in the USSR. If it weren't for Khrushev, the Sino-Soviet Split and the albanese split would never happened, and if it weren't for Khrushev and his bunch of anti-Stalin bureaucrats the USSR would not be a Social Imperialist state. If it weren't for Stalin era's Five Year Plans, the consecuences of the famines would be worst.

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Reply by Evalin


Stalin is a hero, but Stalinism doesnt, exist. Its Marxism-Leninism. People scared of his authoritarianism are ignorant to the violence used to enforce the current system the world over.

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Reply by Layna


In order to assess the situation, you have to look at it in context.

Lenin was the only Leader the Soviet Union actually wanted. So when he passed, Stalin ended up taking power because nobody wanted anyone else but Lenin, and the two were often together. 

That said, I think it's curious that Stalin is between Two World Wars, and a Civil War, and yet Americans think he's a bad man because the Soviet Union had a hard time during literally the worst time in all of history.

Allegedly, the man who came immediately after Stalin was so "based" that the Soviet Union was able to go toe-to-toe with America the entire time he was in office, despite the alleged horrible massacres and policies Stalin is said to have committed (by America).

Now with all that possibly in mind, we have to apply, what is that called, Dialectic Materialism? Basically, we are supposed to read Stalin, understand what parts are good and what parts are bad, and then actively decide to NOT do the bad parts.

That is arguably the primary difference between Left and Right ideologies: Left Wingers CHANGE THEIR MIND WHEN THEY ARE WRONG, so that they can continue forward while being correct.

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Reply by bimbobaggins110


Stalin was objectively a monster. The Soviet Union, in my opinion, was no better than the US, either. Both countries have (and even Russia in its current form) committed horrible crimes against humanity, covered up atrocities, funded proxy wars to further their own goals, are corrupt, etc. Neither are free from sin. That's just my humble opinion, however. 

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Reply by jankudev


Critical Support for Stalin and The USSR before Khrushchev, the secret speech and the revisionism that came after Stalin. Stalin is a complicated figure with many successes and mistakes. Plenty to be analyzed and plenty to be critical of; however, he understood Marxism-Leninism, understood the importance of a state to defend the soviet revolution, brought many reforms, assisted the PRC in their fight to liberate themselves from western and Japanese imperialism. Additionally, under his leadership the
soviet union went from a land of serfs to an industrialized power in
20-30 years. They survived Nazi invasion, freed Europe from the fascists
and raised the standard of living for so many soviet citizens/eastern
Europe allies, had full employment,homelessness was rare, so were
substance abuse issues,etc. There are no great people in history, only their choices and the material conditions that surround their choices.

For more read stalin history and critique of a black legend


There was never a "Hitler-Stalin" Pact

Why the Holodomor Narrative is Wrong

Playlist: Defending Stalin - Criticisms and Context

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Reply by XxpiercedprincessxX


Ok, so after looking through these comments (some are fine, others are literally a huge wtf)

Some of these people call themselves leftist, hate Nazis, are antifa, against war, pro LGBTQ+ and what not. HOW FUCKING IRONIC THEN, that they adore Stalin and celebrate him as some kind of hero??? "The Holodomor didn't happen", "The Holodomor wasn't man-made","There was no elite in the soviet union","bRInG ThE sOVieT unIoN bAcK!!1!" 

I hardly believe any of those people have spoken to people, who are from Eastern Europe, or have lived through that time. And no, them being in the KGB, or "politicians" (puppets) does not count, obvi they'd want it back.

Personally I don't like the Soviet Union.

Yes, public transport was free, after school activities like sports and music as well, and there were basically no homeless people. That's not worth of an exchange for freedom of speech, freedom of travelling, and chosing your future yourself, what music you want to listen to, what books you like, and what type of politics you support though. 

Stop romanticizing this shit. 

You're literally falling for the propaganda. 

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