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How long would it take for your most ambitious project to be finished?

Exactly what it says on the tin:

-How long would it take you to finish your greatest, most elaborated project if you had enough time to work on it? 
-What is that project about?
-And since we're at it, what would it entail?

How long would it take you to finish your greatest, most elaborated project if you had enough time to work on it?
For me, it would take around ten years, working eight hours a day on it.

What is that project about?
It's a collection of stories happening on an island, starting with the story of two star-crossed lovers and ending with the utter destruction of the island and its erasure from history.

And since we're at it, what would it entail?
  • It would start with a Sound Novel about the lovers that would also provide some info on the setting.
  • Then a short comic about a bounty hunter, providing historical context.
  • A Visual Novel, introducing characters for a complete comic saga.
  • Then some spin-off comic series, focusing on some secondary characters.
  • The first part of a comic epic.
  • A pair of light novels, introducing other states in the island.
  • The second half of the epic comic.
  • Two contrasting series, showcasing rival factions, with some crossover issues.
  • A religious horror comic foreshadowing a menace.
  • A Visual Novel to tie some lose ends and do some more worldbuilding.
  • A catastrophic Crisis Event, meant to wreck the status quo.
  • A short story compilation about the people doing the damage control of the previous event.
  • A slice-of-life/tragedy that also foreshadows a terrible event.
  • Another damage control story, this time a whodunnit including retired characters from the epic -that ends poorly.
  • A comic where the MC of the epic saga leaves his legacy to a younger generation
  • The final event where all hell breaks loose and everything is destroyed.

And, for the sake of completion, getting some more eyes and getting some things off my bucket list:
  1. An 8-bit style fighting game.
  2. A pen-and-paper roleplaying game.
It's rather difficult that I ever make this in my lifetime, but it won't be for lack of trying!

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