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How do I begin cosplaying?

I've enjoyed the idea of cosplaying for a while now but I don't really know where to start or what to do with my outfits if I ever start. I have never cosplayed a character before but I have tried creating some masks from series I enjoy (FNAF, it was FNAF lol)

I have little experience with making costumes and things like that and I'm not really sure what materials to use because I'm not sure what shops to get them in lol, or maybe I could try online?

The other thing I'm mostly concerned about is what do I do with it? I'm considering of showing my work online, which I guess is what most people do but I'm not really sure what to do after that either (I've been inspired by the YT series Living With Master Chief XD)

Sorry that this forum thing is all over the place, I hope it makes a bit of sense :P

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Reply by arlo atomickk


I'd say start with an easier character for your first try! Like, instead of making a hyper-realistic freddy fazbear animatronic suit, try portraying what freddy fazbear would look like as a human, you know! It's good to find pieces of clothing similar to what your character wears and if they need changed, do so with sewing, painting etc. DIYing a cosplay is cheaper and will make you feel like you put more into it! You can frequent cosplaying forums/subreddits and spaces online for tips and inspiration.

Putting your cosplays out online is a perfect way to display it, and you could visit cosplay conventions near you also!

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Reply by popcorn


Thank you so much for the ideas :)
I'll try to think about simplistic cosplays (the human version of the FNAF animatronics can make some sick cosplays tbh), thanks again!

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Reply by duncannnn


if you plan to make a more human like cosplay, try thrifting and also using clothes you already have and finding new ways to use them like cutting them up, bleaching them, etc. if you want a more animatronic feel to them id say sketch a layout of ur design and gather some materials such as cardboard or foam and take measurements of your body so that they can fit you well. when it comes to measurements be sure to give yourself an extra inch or slightly more for movement but not too much where it becomes loose. once you finish your base you can add fabric on top or some paint depending on your surface. i hope this helps!!!

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Reply by popcorn


I'll definitely use clothes I already own and stuff, thank you for the ideas!!

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