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How did you all first encounter cave story (doukutsu monogatari)?

My first time ever even seeing cave story was at school actually. I remember sitting in my computer lab class and the kid in the space in front of me was playing it. I was shocked that he was even playing a game on the school computer but the game itself looked so good. The pixel art was compact but detailed and all the animations were satisfying. 
He was fighting "monster x" when I finally walked over and asked what he was playing. You know how kids are when they know they have something cool. "Oh this? This is cave story. It's an indie game. not surprised you haven't heard of it before." 
I asked him where I could find it and he was actaully really cool and gave me the flash drive he was playing it off of. I took it home that night and plugged it into my really crappy netbook laptop and booted it up. 
I was hooked ever since. That game has shaped how I look at game design and audio design as well. for being an indie game at the time it was extremely polished and deep. I think that it will stay in my top ten games until I die haha

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